Kong and Godzilla Reunited!

A little more than a week ago, I was invited to see Kong vs. Godzilla. In a theater! A bunch of friends had gotten together and rented the theater for one showing. I was invited to join them, and I couldn’t turn that down. https://cheryelhutton.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/godzilla-vs-kong.png In case you don’t know, I love monster movies. Especially…

Will This Ever End

Record cold temperatures, including the coldest Mardi Gras on record.  Snow that won’t go away;  thousands without heat or water. An almost year-long pandemic that has killed so many people it’s actually lowered the average life expectancy. Lost jobs, small businesses closing, politicians who only care about people who are able to give them lots…

Blinded by Science

It’s no secret that I’m a big science nerd. There is no doubt that science changed our world. But I can understand how scary that can be, especially for folks who may not really understand a lot about science or how things work. That lack of understanding may lead to fear and distrust. To a…

2020 Bites the Dust

This last year has been a hard one for a lot of people. Politics in the United States broke records with kinds of never-before-seen behavior, both good and bad. And the regular folks had no idea how to respond or what to believe. Speaking of record breaking, the weather did some of it’s own. Hottest…

Sufferage and Snoopy

One hundred years ago yesterday, women won the right to vote in the United States of America. This country we see as the most open, progressive, welcoming place in the world; finally allowed half its citizens the right to participate in governing. My grandmother saw this happen. It blows me away every time I consider…

They work for us!

I have never been so disgusted with our government as I am at this moment. I cannot believe that in the 21st century a gaggle of civil servants, that we the American People voted into office, is hellbent on shoving through their prize candidate over the life and reputation of a woman who did nothing…