
Time and Life

You know how it goes, one thing needs your attention, then another. Family, job, pets, dust bunnies, alien creatures, and flying monkeys; they all take a toll. Your proverbial plate gets more full by the day, and you wonder how much the dang thing can hold. I don’t wonder anymore. I know. On seemingly quiet…

Missing Pieces

Today would have been my Mom’s birthday. No, I don’t know how old she would have been. I never wanted to know her age, I wanted to think of her as that beautiful, ageless, person who was there from the beginning. But I didn’t appreciate her enough. It was hard, right from the beginning. We…


The Winds of Change

One of my favorite songs is “Where My Heart Will Take Me” sung by Russell Watson. No matter how many times I hear this song, it never stops inspiring me and making me feel uplifted and optimistic. If it sounds familiar, it was used in the movie Awakenings, and was the theme song for Star…


The Road There

This month I’m doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). The point of NaNo is to write 50,000 words in the month of November. ideally, the writer begins with a fresh story, but I have a book I’ve already started to write that I really need to finish. So, I started where I was, opened a…

Confused and Twisted

Apparently the people who designed the ankle brace I’m currently wearing thought the wearer would be able to see behind, under, and to the side of the ankle simultaneously. Now I have Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility, which means I can dang near do that, and still I almost couldn’t get it off last night. It’s my own…


Treats Without Tricks

Last year at this time, my husband and II were in Tennessee near the Smoky Mountains. It’s a gorgeous time of year there. Blankets of yellow, brown, green, and orange cover the mountainsides. Crisp fall air caresses.Pumpkins are everywhere. It’s a great place to be. This year we’re living near Jacksonville, Florida. There are no…

Granny Updated

Yep, I finally did it. Don’t faint, OK? I bought a new computer.   That’s all? You say. For me, this is a big deal. First, I don’t have money to spare. To pull this little update off, I had to push my single credit account into the atmosphere. I almost fainted! But I had…