Happy 2023

Happy 2023

My grandmother always said that what you do on New Year’s day is what you’ll be doing all year. When I think of that now, I wonder how many people will be having hangovers all year. Or staying up late to watch television. Or sleeping half the day because they were up late. Okay, that…

Love is Fragile

  Parents tend to talk about how they missed out on parts of their children’s lives. How they were too busy, or too whatever. I understand; I wish I could have spent every minute of every day with my beautiful daughters. Today, though, I would like to turn this sentiment on its head.  We expect…

Barely Awake

Yawn. Oh, hi there! I’m sticking my head out of my cave. I want so very badly to hibernate until spring, but unfortunately, I’m not a bear. All right, no remarks from the peanut gallery regarding excess body hair. Or my growling. I’m a human, not a bear. Here we are, stuck in the middle…


It’s Halloween or Samhain, depending on your tradition. Tradition tells us that tonight the veil between the living and the dead thins and our ancestors can communicate with us. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I can feel a power, a strength growing as the shadows begin to lengthen. Maybe it’s…