Blinded by Science

It’s no secret that I’m a big science nerd. There is no doubt that science changed our world. But I can understand how scary that can be, especially for folks who may not really understand a lot about science or how things work. That lack of understanding may lead to fear and distrust. To a…

Overload Syndrome

  It’s no secret 21st Century folks are overloaded. The symptoms are everywhere. I read recently where approximately 10% of American families rent storage facilities to keep things they don’t need, don’t use, but can’t bring themselves to get rid of. Then yesterday morning I was part of a discussion involving ways to organize your…


Fear for Income

There is a paranoia being grown today for the specific reason of making lots and lots of money. To most people, it even looks like the big companies are doing something good. Unless you understand the real story. What is this growing fear? It is fear of germs. Yep, tiny bacteria and even smaller viruses….

The Waters Of Mars

Three days ago, NASA announced proof of liquid water on Mars. I was thrilled. What an amazing discovery! I honestly thought the news would be all over the story. I wasn’t home at the time of the original announcement, so when I came in the door, I turned on the TV to see what the…

Nearsighted Science I love science. To me scientists are rock stars. Still, there are some times when I don’t understand the circular logic mainstream science uses to “prove” the mainstream view of things. Like the logic of this article. The vector (link) that moves Lyme disease from animal to human is a certain stage in the…

Superstar Physics

A few weeks ago, January 23rd to be exact, my husband and I were privileged to attend a talk by Micho Kaku, one of the greatest scientific minds alive today. His presentation, given at Chattanooga State Technical Community College, was titled, “The Mind and Beyond” and he definitely went beyond. Dr. Kaku offered a definition…