Happy 2023

Happy 2023

My grandmother always said that what you do on New Year’s day is what you’ll be doing all year. When I think of that now, I wonder how many people will be having hangovers all year. Or staying up late to watch television. Or sleeping half the day because they were up late. Okay, that…

The Writer’s Addiction

Most people know that writers, as creative type people, seem to be especially prone to addictive substances. You know the usual lineup, alcohol, partying, infidelity, drugs, office products. Wait, what? See it seems that many writers are victims of the last category. Hey, who is that laughing? We’re talking about a real problem here, one…


The Road There

This month I’m doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). The point of NaNo is to write 50,000 words in the month of November. ideally, the writer begins with a fresh story, but I have a book I’ve already started to write that I really need to finish. So, I started where I was, opened a…

No Wimps Allowed

The last couple of weeks I’ve experienced one of those weird cosmic convergences that makes me think I need to pay attention. First there were two amazing blogs by the Social Network Ninja, Kristen Lamb. Bravely, Ms. Lamb took us places the rest of us where afraid to go. The first was about  Empathetic Correctness…

The Real Women of CARA

I’ve written about CARA before, and I’d like to introduce you to my fellow authors. CARA is short for Chattanooga Area Romance Authors, a group of five romance writers—all published— who found each other and quickly became friends. Between the five of us, we represent most of the romance spectrum. There should be something here…